Our Mission

"We exist to glorify God through authentic worship, loving others as our selves, and making disciples of Jesus Christ"

We make disciples through:

Worship: the way we relate to God

  1. Enrich our prayer, worship and study of the Scriptures

  2. Offer all that we are and have to God

Community: the way we relate to the people of God

  1. Call and nurture congregational leaders for ministry in a changing environment

  2. Practice love, forgiveness and hospitality that affirms our diversity and heals our brokeness

Mission: the way we relate to the world

  1. Invite others to faith in Jesus Christ

  2. Seek God's peace in our homes, work, neighborhoods, and the world


Our History

Holly Grove formed as a Mennonite church in 1919. God has blessed us with many faithful members, families, and leaders over the years. If you are interested in reading a brief history of the first 75 years of our church, you can do so here: A Short History of Holly Grove Mennonite Church

Our church was instrumental in founding and growing Holly Grove Christian School, a Christ-centered private school that serves over 500 students.


Our Leaders

Pastor James Wengerd

Pastor/Worship Elder: James Wengerd

Administrative Elder: Lee Daniels

Missions Elder: Graham King

Christian Education Elder: Kenny Good

Community Life Elder: Daryl Gross

Deacons: Linda Holland, Dick and Mary Ellen Miller, Margie Alexander

Treasurer: Patrick Miller

Trustees: Marv Bunting, Bill Beauchamp, and Matt Eby

Webmaster: Vic King


Our Networks

We are connected with CMC Rosedale, Rosedale International, and Rosedale Bible College.

We also contribute to the work of the Mennonite Disaster Service.