New to Holly Grove?

If you've never been to a Sunday service at Holly Grove, you probably have questions. Here are some of the most common.

  • When are Sunday services?

    We have Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. and our worship service at 10:30 a.m. (concluding around 11:45 a.m.).

  • How do I get there?

    Our building is located at 7333 Mennonite Church Road in Westover, Maryland. (Yes, the road was named for our church!) You can get directions from your location here.

  • How should I dress?

    Come as you are! Although the most common styles are "business casual" or "casual-dressy," our church has no formal dress code. People come wearing everything from t-shirts to neckties.

  • What's available for my kids?

    Our children's ministry offers several ways in which children can participate during the worship service. Right before the sermon, children ages 2 to 10 are dismissed for HG Kids, a time of age-appropriate learning. Of course, your children are also more than welcome to stay with you for the whole service.

  • What’s the music like?

    Our music spans a range of styles, from a capella hymn singing to contemporary praise and worship songs. Offertory music ranges even more widely, from classical to bluegrass/gospel to jazz.

  • Am I expected to give money?

    No, we do not expect visitors and guests to give!

  • How long will the service last?

    Our worship service lasts approximately 60-75 minutes.

  • What usually happens in a worship service? (our order of service)

    - Prelude/Praise Music

    - Welcome, Announcements, Call to Worship

    - Congregational Singing (1-3 songs)

    - Offering & Offertory (collection plates are passed, usually accompanied by special music)

    - Congregational Prayer (usually led by Pastor James or another church leader)

    - Children’s Church (children ages 2 to 3rd grade are prayed for and invited to go to children's church)

    - Song of Preparation

    - Sermon (a message based on a passage from the Bible)

    - Hymn of Response

    - Benediction & Doxology (a scriptural blessing that ends the service, followed by a short congregational song)

    You are welcome to participate as much or as little as you're comfortable.

    On the first Sunday of every month, we celebrate the Lord's Supper, also known as Communion.

  • In what other ways can I participate on Sunday mornings?

    If you are looking for more teaching in addition to the worship service, we offer both adult and children's Christian education from 9:30-10:20 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

  • Is the building wheelchair-accessible?


  • If you are curious about Jesus or the Christian faith...

    We would love for you to join us on a Sunday morning. Don't feel pressured to participate in the worship service, but please do talk with someone afterwards! You may also find the free 321 Course to be helpful.

Get Involved

Fill out your connect card, join us in prayer, or make a gift.